
  • Mentors are to provide mentees guidance, insight and inspiration on
    a. Subject choices at universities
    b. Career path
  • Through sharing of experience by mentors, connections between alumni and students are to be created


  • Through informal small group sharing
  • Meeting schedule
    a. Nov 4, 2017 (Saturday) 10:00 – 11:00 am
    b. Other meeting dates are to be arranged

Seminar on introducing the career of Public Relations 2016-2017

Grouping of mentors and mentees

No. Sector Mentor Mentees
1. Accounting Mr. Shum Lap Chi, Sam 1. Koo Lok Yi 5B
2. Lai Chi Lam 5B
3. Lee Hoi Tung 5B
4. Pan Chiu Tung 5B
5. Ng Lok Hei 5B
2. Law Mr Wong Tak Hing, Jimmy 1. Chan Wing Yiu, Yuki 5B
2. Lam Wai Wang 6E
3. Engineering Ms Lam Wai Yin 1. Ho Chun Sang 5D
2. Lo Ka Ho 5D
4. Education Ms Liu Mei Wah 1. Kwong Wing Yan 5D
5. Media and Publication Ms Shum Wing Yan 1. Hui Wai Lan 5B
2. Tai Tsun Fei 5D
6. Medical (To be confirmed) 1. Ho Chun Sang 5D
2. Lo Ka Ho 5D

Suggested activities which mentors may organize for mentees

  • Life exposure activities
    a. Discussing subjects of common interest
    b. Sharing of each other’s backgrounds, interests, life goals and expectations
    c. Skills building, critical and analytical thinking, decision making, problem solving and stress management
  • Social activities
    a. Going out for lunch/dinner/tea/happy hour together
    b. Going to movies or cultural performances together
    c. Engaging in sports, recreational and cultural activities together
  • Career exposure activities
    a. Careers visits – career field(s) of the mentor and/or his/her friends
    b. Introduction of the field(s) – description, nature and actual operation
    c. Scheduling meetings to share issues related to the current development of the mentor’s field(s)
  • Others
    a. Frequent contact via email, telephone calls, cards, letters, etc.
    b. Arranging group mentoring activities with other mentors and mentees

2016-2017 Alumni Mentoring Programme mentors and mentees