CNEC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION中華傳道會安柱中學校友會CNEC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION中華傳道會安柱中學校友會 0% 最新消息 The Nomination of the Twenty-third Honorary Alumnus of CNEC Christian College 2024-2025 第二十三屆榮譽校友選舉 (2024-2025) The Result of Election of Alumni Manager (2024-25) 2024-2025年度中華傳道會安柱中學 法團校董會校友校董選舉結果 The Results of the Twenty-second Honorary Alumnus of CNEC Christian College (2023-24) 第二十二屆榮譽校友選舉結果 2023-24 The Election of School Manager 2024-2025 中華傳道會安柱中學法團校董會 校友校董選舉 2024-2025 The Result of Election of Alumni Manager (2023-24) 2023-2024年度中華傳道會安柱中學法團校董會校友校董選舉結果 The Results of the Twentieth Honorary Alumnus 第二十一屆榮譽校友選舉結果2022-2023